Linux:Users, Groups, Rights
(Változatok közti eltérés)Admin (vitalap | szerkesztései)
(Új oldal, tartalma: „= Permissions = <kivonat>chmod, chown, chgrp, id, su</kivonat> * Create an empty file in your home directory named Test! <megoldas> <code lang="bash"> feri@aries:~$ touch …”)
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(Új oldal, tartalma: „= Permissions = <kivonat>chmod, chown, chgrp, id, su</kivonat> * Create an empty file in your home directory named Test! <megoldas> <code lang="bash"> feri@aries:~$ touch …”)
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A lap 2019. október 17., 13:22-kori változata
Kivonat: chmod, chown, chgrp, id, su
- Create an empty file in your home directory named Test!
- Ste privileges for this file: the owner must be able to read, write and execute, the group can be read and execute, others do not have any permissions!
- Change the ownership of this file to the system administrator! (Why doesn't it work?)
- Let the group of that file be the staff group! (Why doesn't it work?)
- Change its privileges to: rw-r--r--! What does it exactly mean?
- When other users run this file, they should have your rights. How can you reach that?
- This file sould run with the group rights!
- Create a directory named TestDir! How can you reach that all that all users be able create files there but be able to to delete only their own files in it!
- Create a directory named Common! It should be really common, all users must be able to create and delete any files in it. How can you reach it?
- Ask your own identidier and your group identifier!
- Change to an anoter user temporary! (Use your classmate's name and password!)
- Review the contens of the /etc/passwd and the /etc/group files! What are the meanings of fields in lines?