


Kivonat: >, >>, <
  • Redirect the output of the ls command to the /tmp/lista-<username>.txt file, where the <username> is your login name!
  • Concatenate all files in the /etc directory which have .conf extension to one big file in named /tmp/lista-<username>.txt! What happened its previous content?
  • Append the current date and time to the end of the /tmp/lista-<username>.txt!
  • Create this new directory: /tmp! Redirect the error message into the hiba.txt!


Kivonat: grep, cut, wc, head, tail, tr, sort, uniq, tee, more (less, most), tac
  • Show the content of /etc/passwd page by page!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which contain the sh string!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which don't contain the sh string!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which first character is s!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which last part is false!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which login name starts with f!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which login name dont't contain feri!
  • Show all lines from the /etc/passwd which contains in the login name field the root user!
  • how many users are in that system whose name start with a vocal letter? Do not make difference between uppercase and lowercase letters!
  • How many user are there without a bash shell?
  • Show all lines from /etc/bash.bashrc which aren't comments and aren't empty! (Comments start with #, empty lines are ^$)!
  • Write the output of the previous task to your home directory into the bash.txt file!
  • How many folders are in the /etc which group right are: r-x?
  • Show the login history of the root (in this month)!
  • Is the root user logged in the system?
  • How many different shell exists in the system?
  • Show the name of all logged users! If somebody logged in more than once, only one name should be listed!
  • Which users has logged in this month except the reboot user?
  • List the name of all users in a sorted list!
  • How many lines start in the /etc/passwd with f?
  • Show the first three lines of the /etc/passwd file!
  • Show the last seven lines of the /etc/passwd file!
  • Show the first twelwe and the last twelve names from the list of users! Try to solve this with one line!
  • Which user logged in first in this month?
  • How many lines does have the /etc/passwd file?
  • How many characters are in the /etc/passwd file last 8 lines?
  • How many characters are in the directory of the /etc folder?
  • How many times has the root logged in this month?
  • show the sorted content of /etc/passwd!
  • Show all UIDs from the /etc/passwd in reverse order!
  • Which is the biggest UID in the /etc/passwd file?
  • Show the first 15 lines in ascending order from the /etc/passwd!
  • How many lines and how many characters are in the output of the previous command?
  • Show all real names from the /etc/passwd file and replace all spaces to a _ character!
  • Delete all j character from the list of users!
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