
Linux:Files and directories

(Változatok közti eltérés)
(File handling)
12. sor: 12. sor:
* Go to your own directory!  <megoldas>
* Go to your home directory!  <megoldas>
<code lang="bash">
<code lang="bash">
feri@aries:~$ cd
feri@aries:~$ cd

A lap 2020. március 4., 12:22-kori változata


Kivonat: ls ~ (*, ? []), pwd, tree, cd, mkdir, rmdir, rm, mv, mc
  • Which directory is the current?
  • Move to the root directory!
  • Go to your home directory!
  • Move to the system administrator's home directory (it couldn't be success because you don't have permission for it)!
  • Move to the etc directory (it opens from the root dir)!
  • Move one level up!
  • Show the content of the current directory!
  • Show the content of /etc and /var/log directories with one command (with details)!
  • Move to your home directory! Create a new directory with name Test!
  • With one command, create two directories from the Test dir, their name should be T1 and T2!
  • Draw the directory structure with the tree command! (Use it later for check yourself!)
  • With one command create 3 directories from the Test dir: Unix/Linux/Debian néven!
  • Rename the Debian directory to Deb!
  • Move the Deb directory to the T1!
  • Destroy the T1 directory!
  • With one command, remove the Test directory!
  • Show the content of the current directory!
  • Show the content of the /etc directory with details!
  • Show the files with conf extension in the /etc directory!
  • Show files in the /etc directory which start with letter p!
  • Show the files in the /etc which last character is f!
  • Find a file in /etc which starts letter p, the its third character is s and last character is d!
  • Show the content of your home directory with all hidden files!
  • Show files in the /etc directory which have a or n character in their second position!
  • Show all files in the /etc directory which have no a or n in their second position!
  • Show all files in the filesystem (it runs for a long time, you can stop it by pressing CTRL-C)!
  • Run the Midnight Commaner!
  • If you want try to solve all tasks above with the Commander!

File handling

Kivonat: touch, cp, mv, rm, cat, file, TODO: touch.
 |  |
 |  |--test
 |  |  |---unix
 |  |
 |  |--Linux
  • Create this directory structure!
  • Move to the /etc directory! Show all directories opened from here with the tree command! (Do not show files!)
  • Copy the passwd file from the /etc to the Letter directory!
  • Copy the shadow file from the /etc to the test dir!
  • Copy all files with conf extension from the /etc to the Linux directory!
  • Copy all files from the /etc which has a in second, s in the fourth position and its last character is d to the Check directory!
  • Move the full content of the Test to the Linux!
  • Create a new file in the Check directory with name Data.txt!
  • Delete all files from the Linux directory!
  • Remove the Letter dir!
  • Show the content of the /etc/passwd file!
  • What kind of content do these files have: /bin/bash, /etc/passwd, /var/log/syslog!


Kivonat: ln, readlink
  • Create again the Letter directory and copy the /etc/passwd file into it!
  • Check the number of links of the passwd file in the Letter dir! Create a new hardlink to that with name Hozzon létre egy hardlinket erre a fájlra passwordFile! Show the content of the passwordFile! How did the number of links chaged?
  • Remove the passwd file in the Letter dir! Check the number of links! Are you able to show the content of the passwordFile?
  • Rename the passwordFile to passwd-re! Create a softlink which points to this file with name softLinkFile.txt!
  • How long is that file? Why?
  • Show the content of the softLinkFile.txt file!
  • Show the content of this directory! How can you recognise it was a softlink?
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